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A Clinica Health Services and Health Tourism Inc. (A Clinica Dent)

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Office Tower

A Clinica Dent

''A Beautiful Smile is the Greatest Heritage''

Filiz Alkan England

I came from England for a teeth cleaning and whitening procedure. I would like to thank Ali Bey, the owner of the clinic, for his interest and friendly face.

Önder Demirkan Türkiye

I had the implant and upper teeth completely covered. The attention and hygiene are amazing, but most importantly, our teachers are simply amazing, thank you very much.

Gorkem Duman Ankara

I came to Acıbadem insurance contracted clinic for dental scaling. From now on, if I have a problem with my teeth, I found the dentist I will go to with my eyes closed.

A Clinica Dent

We are at your service with all our branches

We Care About You
We Are Open Until 22:00 Six Days a Week

Permanent solution

Implants provide a long-term solution when placed correctly. 

Aesthetic look

Implants offer an appearance very similar to natural teeth. 

A Clinica Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic

Functional Innovation

Implants offer an experience very close to natural teeth in terms of chewing, speaking and general oral functions. 

Supports Bone Health

They help prevent jaw bone melting. 

A Clinica Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic

We are at your service at Cepa Office Tower

Special dental treatment for risky patients

A Clinica Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic treats all oral and dental diseases within the scope of dentistry with modern technology, quality and patient-oriented service approach.

Do you have any question?

Let Us Call You Now!

Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic

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Trusted Dentists

Are You Ready to Smile?

Orthodontic Treatment

It is the department that deals with the proper placement of teeth on the alveolar ridges (dental bones) and the diagnosis and treatment of facial irregularities.

Implant Treatment

You may need implants to have an aesthetic smile. A Clinica Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic is with you.

Braces Treatment

It is the name given to the branch of medical dentistry that aims to eliminate abnormal growth, structural and deformational disorders of the mouth and teeth.

Laminate Dental Treatment

Ankara Laminated Dental Veneer is a dental treatment method that grinds down the tooth to be treated and then applies a coating on it.

Pediatric Dental Treatment

Pedodontics, that is, pediatric dentistry, is the department of dentistry where babies, children and individuals requiring special care (disabled) go for their dental and oral health.

Dental Prostheses

It is possible to regain your health by using different treatment methods depending on the number of missing teeth, their location and mouth structure.

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

The nerve and pulp (pulp) in the inner part of the tooth are removed, the inner part is cleaned and filled with a special material.

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

It is a tooth that is removed at or around the age of 20. In many patients, this tooth cannot penetrate the gums and remains embedded in the jawbone.

Ankara A Clinica Dent

''A Beautiful Smile is the Greatest Heritage''

  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)
  • General Dentist
  • Orthodontics
  • Pedodontics (Child Dentistry)
  • Periodontology (Gum Diseases)
  • Prosthetic Dentistry (Prosthesis)

Dr. Dt. Koralp Kozan

Dt. Vanda Salek Salami

Dt. Can Ahmed Unal

Dt. Timur Gültekin

Dt. Deniz Gürbüz

Dt. Ekin Gökmen Akmansu

Specialist Dt. Hakan Ünsal

Dt. Betül Kıcanaoğlu

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